얼마전 구글 크롬이 64비트 버전을 내놓았습니다. 아직 시험판이지만, 32비트 버전에 비해 빠른 속도와 안정성, 보안성을 보여준다고 합니다. 

1. Speed: 64-bit allows Google to take advantage of the latest processor and compiler optimizations, a more modern instruction set, and a calling convention that allows more function parameters to be passed quickly by registers. As a result, speed is improved, especially in graphics and multimedia content, which sees an average 25 percent bump in performance.

2. Security: With Chrome able to take advantage of the latest OS features such as High Entropy ASLR on Windows 8, security is improved on 64-bit platforms as well. Those extra bits also help better defend against exploitation techniques such as JIT spraying, and improve the effectiveness of existing security defense features like heap partitioning.

3. Stability: Google has observed a marked increase in stability for 64-bit Chrome over 32-bit Chrome. In particular, crash rates for the renderer process (i.e. Web content process) are almost half.

(참조 : http://thenextweb.com/google/2014/06/03/google-launches-64-bit-version-chrome-starting-dev-canary-channels-windows-7-windows-8/)

설치는 아래 링크를 통해 받을수 있습니다. 

크롬 64비트 버전 다운로드

다만, 64비트로 구동 되나 보니 32비트로 빌드된 플러그인과 호환 되지 않는 문제가 있습니다. 넥슨 포탈에서 게임을 실행시켜주는 넥슨 게임 매니저와 네이버의 고화질 스트리밍 플레이어등이 크롬 64비트 버전에서 작동을 하지 않았습니다.

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